Nicasio School Craft Fair coming up!
Our small town school craft fair is coming up December 8th and 9th." Oh No! " What to do that hasn't been done before?? This year as Chair of the school Craft Fair (Hey that rhymes!) I was having the hardest time trying to think of somthing we haven't done before. Also, how to engage teenage girls that would rather be talking on I phones than crafting with Mom's!!
So... I'm letting go! I set up a table full of fun repurposing ideas and I'm going to let three girls come over and do what they will. Hopefully end up with some cute fingerless gloves, beenies,scarves, and kids vests from all the Men's sweaters I have shrunk from my terrible laundry skills!
Hope to see you at the Nicasio School Craft Fair Dec 8th and 9th out on the sidewalk at drop off and pick up times. By the way come and check out the Winter Performance on the 10th at 6pm these same girls are starring in the Middle School play!