Farm Sleepovers
How would you like to unplug, relax and enjoy life on a Farm? Come and stay in our cozy little, off the grid pondhouse. Literally snuggle up in a bed and watch the egrets fishing in the pond right out the french doors of your pond house, take a tour of the cute baby lambs and Angora rabbits, or just read a book and enjoy the quiet country air. The views here will make you want to draw, paint or photograph all that you see but is near impossible since the views go for miles in all directions. Whether you are looking for hiking or biking adventure; or just quiet meditation on the beauty of this incredible nature, you will love Black Mountain Farm.
Come stay at our pondhouse and enjoy, hiking up Black Mountain, or sitting on our little beach with a campfire to relax and wait for the blanket of stars to make their apperance. This pondhouse has only solar power and a small battery that can charge a cell phone, their is a desk to write your next novel and an outhouse with a composting toilet, where you can sit and ponder. There is drinking water provided and we are working on a solar water heater to heat water for the claw footed bath tub that sits on the back deck with a view of the resevoir below.
Call Marnie for more information
415 662 1050